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Deep Freeze Enterprise 8.20 Free Crack Version Download

Document Overview

This document provides step-by-step instructions for installing Deep Freeze Enterprise on a single segment Local Area Network. It assumes that the console will be run on the same workstation as the Configuration Administrator.

What is Deep Freeze?

Deep Freeze is a software program that prevents any permanent changes from being made to a computer. Deep Freeze consists of two states: Frozen and Thawed. When Deep Freeze is in a Frozen state, any changes made to the computer are forgotten when the computer is restarted. When Deep Freeze is in a Thawed state, any changes made to the computer are retained when the computer is restarted. When making changes to a computer, such as installing software or performing updates, the computer needs to be put into a Thawed state. A reboot is required every time the state of the computer is changed.

System Requirements

The Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator and the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console (administrative tools) can be installed on Windows XP, Vista, 7, Windows 8.1 or Server 2003, 2008, and 2012. Deep Freeze will protect workstations running Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Server 2003, 2008 and 2012.

Installing Deep Freeze Enterprise

Installing Deep Freeze Enterprise has three distinct steps:
Installing the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator and Deep Freeze Enterprise Console (administrative tools).
2. Configuring workstation install packages.
3. Deploying to the workstations (to protect the workstations). Installing Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator and Deep Freeze Enterprise Console (Administrative Tools) The Deep Freeze Enterprise consists of an installation file that will install the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator and the Enterprise Console on a workstation. These are administrative tools that will be used to configure and manage Deep Freeze on the protected workstations. These tools should not be installed on the individual workstations that need to be protected by Deep Freeze. If you have a previous version of Deep Freeze Enterprise installed, you can update the Configuration Administrator and Enterprise Console to the new version. You can also update Deep Freeze on the workstations.

Configuring Workstation Install Packages

The next step before deployment is to configure a workstation install package to run on the workstations that are to be protected. To start configuring a workstation install package, launch the Configuration Administrator from the start menu. When launched, the Configuration Administrator will display a series of tabs that define the configuration that will be applied to the workstation. Detailed information on each of these tabs can be found in the Deep Freeze Enterprise users guide available online in the Faronics Content Library. As a minimum configuration Faronics recommends that a GUI password be set on the workstation install program as follows:
1. Select the check box for the first password under the Enable column.
2. Select the Workstation option.
3. Enter a password to use in the Password column. Once a password is set, click the Create button on the toolbar and select the option for a Full Workstation Install Package. This saves the installer package at a convenient location.
Deploying to the Workstations to be protected To protect a workstation, the Deep Freeze Install Package that was created previously must now be installed. The simplest method to deploy the package is to manually copy it to the workstation. Once this is done, follow the steps below:
1. Double-click the DFWks.exe file to begin the installation process. The Deep Freeze Installation Dialog appears. Click Next to begin the installation.
2. Follow the steps presented. Read and accept the license agreement. At the end of the

Deep Freeze Security Notice

Deep Freeze does not protect against booting from a USB Key, floppy drive, or CD-ROM drive. The CMOS should be configured to prevent booting from anything other than the hard disk and the CMOS must be password protected to fully protect a computer from tampering.

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