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Circuit_ Maker_ 2000_ Latest Version Setup For Windows Free Download

Introduction :

In this course, we will be using the free student edition of a commercial program, CircuitMaker, to design and simulate logic circuits. Note that this software is avaialbe only for student use on their own computers; it is not available for use on college computers. The file you download (3,400,151 bytes) is a self-installing package for Windows; just click on it to start the installation process. Let me know if you do not have access to a computer on which you can install this software.

Using the Program :

The program is very well designed, but it is not something that you can just pick up and start using without some instruction. That's because it assumes you already know how to design digital logic, and does not provide real tutorial material.

What follows are some pointers to help you get started and to help you avoid some common problems. There is also help that comes with the program, but it tends to be sketchy.

>>> The first thing to realize is that CircuitMaster can be used to design and simulate both analog and digital signals. (Wherever you see "Spice" in the help system, it's talking about analog simulation.) You can build your circuit without concern for this fact, but when you simulate it (run it), you must be sure to do so in digital mode. If you don't, you'll get a cryptic message, probably telling you that you need a ground node "before a valid spice netlist can be generated". To avoid this problem click on the toolbar button with the symbol for a transistor on it; it's exactly in the middle, 12 buttons in from both ends of the toolbar.
Just get in the habit of clicking on the transistor button (it turns into an AND gate) everytime you start running CircuitMaker. Better yet, set up CircuitMaker with your favorite options, including setting the simulation mode to digital, while working on the default circuit, "UNTITLED.CKT." Then save UNTITLED.CKT (just type Control-S), and those options will automatically be in effect the next time you run CircuitMaker.

>>> If you care about the neatness of your diagrams, select Grid under the Options menu, and select the "Snap to grid" option. I personally find it distracting to display the grid itself, but that's a choice you can make from the same menu.

Use the Wire Tool (the toolbar button that looks like a plus sign) to connect inputs and outputs together.When you want to add a wire, click on one connection point, and move the mouse with the mouse button released. That way the wire will go in a straight line in the direction you move the mouse. Click again and you can move 90 degrees from the direction you were moving in before. You should have "Options -> Quick Connect" selected so the connection points are highlighted as you get near them. Alternatively, you can hold down the mouse button and drag the end of the wire to the connection point, and CircuitMaker will automatically square up the lines between the two points; but the lines will not be very well organized if you do this, possibly going through the middle of some gates and/or lying on top of other lines.

 >>>Use the Devices menu to select gates, etc. to add to your circuit. Many simple gates and devices are listed on the Hotkey submenu without the need to browse through device and parts lists.

>>>A common input device is the digital logic switch, which alternates between outputting 0 or 1 each time you click on it. You can type a lower-case 's' "Hotkey" to get one, or look for it in Hotkeys2 under the Devices menu, or select browse from the Devices menu, and select Digital -> Power.

>>>The Hex Keypad (Hotkey: 'H') device is very useful when you need to set several inputs at once. It has four outputs that you can control by typing a hex digit while the keypad is selected. Or click on it to make it step up by one.

>>>The complement of the Hex Keypad is the Hex Display (Hotkey: 'h'), which shows the states of up to four wires as a hexadecimal digit.

>>>The simplest clock source is the Pulser device. Ignore the inputs, and just use either output (one is the complement of the other) as your clock signal. See the data sequencer item below for a more powerful (but more complex) alternative.

Download The Circuit Maker 2000 
32 Bit / 64 Bit

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